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Separation & Divorce

Helping you and your family transition in a healthy way

I am a Collaborative Divorce Coach and Child Specialist and a member of Collaborative Divorce ​Vancouver.

The goal of Collaborative Divorce is to help families transition in a healthy way. When you choose a Collaborative Divorce, you are choosing a no-court process where you get to have a voice.  


The Collaborative Process is an effective alternative to traditional adversarial divorce. With Collaborative Divorce, you and your partner agree (through a signed agreement) that you will:

  • Not go to court, or even threaten to go to court

  • Communicate with honesty and respect

  • Make a sincere effort to understand each other's needs and concerns

  • Promptly disclose all relevant information

  • Work together towards an agreement that's in everyone's best interests.

To learn more about this process, visit:

As a Collaborative Divorce Coach, I help you create the future that you want for your family.  

Separation and divorce is often a time of intense loneliness.  If you don't have emotional support, the strain of separation can feel overwhelming. Conflict with your spouse is not only painful, it can also slow negotiations and make your legal costs soar.  When you work with a Divorce Coach they are with you every step of the way. They help you communicate your needs, move through tough emotions and create a positive and sustainable plan for your family's future.

As a Child Specialist, I focus exclusively on your child(ren), meeting with them and giving them a safe place to tell their story. After assessing your children's needs and concerns, the Child Specialist reports back to your team.  In short, the Child Specialist goes to bat for your children. Hearing through a neutral person what your kids are going through can inspire and guide you to make decisions that truly are in their best interests.

Click below to reach out and make an appointment.

Vancouver Divorce Coach - Vancouver Divo
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